AFK: Tiki Oasis 2019 (Night 1 Wednesday)

It’s that magical time of the year where floral prints are the norm, shoes are optional, and you aren’t judged for how much rum you can fit in your body. That’s right it’s Tiki Oasis baby. So what a better time to start my new series (AFK or away from keyboard). Over the next few days I’m going to be trying my damndest to keep this updated with the previous day/nights festivities (hangovers permitting).

So let’s start with what i remember of the kick off at the Bali Hai. We arrived around 6pm and caught the beginning for The Greasy Gills set. Unfortunately they were the only band I caught since I was running around catching up with people and trying to guzzle as many Mai Tais as possible. That said they were pretty fucking awesome and I’m gladly adding them to my playlist of shit to listen to.

After that I woke up today… yeah that’s right. I mean there’s faint recollections of getting on a boat, taking pictures, and “yeeting” my belongings into the ocean, but those short descriptions leave more to the imagination and make a more exciting story. Stay tuned tomorrow for my recap of today where I’m going rum tasting and getting into surely a shit ton more shenanigans.

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