Open Box: Arizona Sunshine (Oculus Quest)

(A abbreviated version of this review is also shared on the Oculus Store)

So as many around me know I recently purchased an Oculus Quest and won’t shut the fuck up about it. The amount of time I have sunken into VR over the last month or two is frankly a little embarrassing (expect a review on the quest itself in a future post). I’ve become a frequent lurker on Quest forums and there has been a lot of talk about the port of the game Arizona Sunshine to the Quest. 

The game itself is a survival / zombie apocalypse game where you are moving around a desert environment collecting weapons and tools needed to survive all while shooting off zombies trying to effect your day up. See the game trailer below:

I’ll be honest, I expected a lot going into this game especially with all the hype on the Oculus Quest subreddit. But after having played for a bit it’s easy to agree that it’s fun (I mean when isn’t blasting the heads off Zombies fun) but it for sure has some flaws and I ended up putting it down pretty quick. Maybe it’s my fault for buying into the hype, but at $40 for a game (near double the price of most other games on the Quest) as a developer you’re making a bold claim.

The biggest drawbacks that stopped me from enjoying the game / living up to the hype come down to two major complaints:

1) Graphics: Given the quests hardware limitations I knew that there was no way the game was going to look as good as all the trailers hyped it up to be. But for a $40 game they are significantly more poor than what I even expected. Things are very boxy and seem unfinished.

2) Movement Controls: The main source of movement in the game is via the joystick to teleport. This teleporting is often limited by silly objects like a car door being in the way. I get that this provides for a more realistic experience but the fact that these objects (mainly doors) are already so awkward to interact with really takes me out of the game. 

Overall I’d give this game 3 stars. This may seem a bit harsh considering it is a good game and is fun to play. That said, when you take into consideration this games costs paired with the downscaled graphics and movement controls it just does not seem the be a proportional experience to cost value. I would seriously consider waiting on this game until some improvements/enhancements are made or cross-buy is supported so you have the option to  experience it at full quality using PCVR.

Overall Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Blasting the Heads Off Zombies: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Taking Place in Arizona (Sorry can’t ignore that CA/AZ rivalry):⭐️

*Update* I do also want to be fair to the Dev team who I’m sure worked hard on this port and share that they have responded to my review on the Oculus Quest Store. Please see their comments below:

“Hi there! In regards to your second point, the game also supports locomotion movement. In regards to the graphics, we’ve downscaled them mainly to support bringing the gameplay essence of the PCVR version to the mobile hardware. We understand and respect your opinion, though. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!”

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